Come experience a deep clean, detox, massage, and stimulate blood circulation. The health of your hair is a reflection of the scalp, like plants in soil.

Oily Scalp

Oily scalp is the scalp type with more sebum secretion. Pores on oily scalp are blocked by keratin or dandruff, resulting in sebum accumulation, which is prone to odor, scalp acne and hair loss caused by clogged pores.

Seborrheic Dermatitis

Seborrheic dermatitis is an inflammatory scaly desquamative skin disease. Peeling, wound bleeding, and severe irritation may happen in severe cases. Therefore, regular scalp care is essential. There is currently no cure for seborrheic dermatitis

Dry Scalp

Itchy and irritation may be caused due to the dryness of this kind of scalp. Dry scalp tends to have more keratin, and the accumulation of excessive keratin will lead to the loss of skin elasticity and affect the health of hair follicles. Excessively dry scalp tends to have excess oil secretion, which can easily be mistaken for oily skin.

Sensitive Scalp

Sensitive scalp is prone to redness, itching and discomfort. It is sensitive due to external factors such as stress, hair perming and hair coloring . It is recommended to use mild and natural hair care products to avoid skin irritation.

Is a way of thinking, a way of life
a conscious choice. It is putting care, conscience and attention in every choice and action, and creating quality products that respect environment and people.

Eyelash extension FULL SET.


  • 2hour 30 min ……..$165.00

  • 45 min Fill…………………$60.00

  • 60 Min Fill…………………$80

  • 90 Min Fill………………. $130.00